

Due to the nature of our product, we couldn’t create a complete prototype without the Ender3 frame, which is essential for the final assembly of our moving mechanisms. Instead, we focused on other productive avenues to progress our project. We created detailed sketches to visualize and plan the layout and functionality of the entire system. These sketches were crucial for conceptualizing how our product would eventually look and operate.

Additionally, we developed prototypes for individual components critical to our design. This included the pipette holder, the base, and a specialised pressing mechanism designed to accurately dispense both the solution and the pipette tips. By prototyping these elements separately, we were able to test and refine the functionality of each part, ensuring that they met our requirements for precision and efficiency. Some of our prototypes for our components are listed below.

First pipette holder prototype: inspired by existing pipette holders, tailored to the specific dimensions of our pipette holder

Initial base prototype: Was too small, dimensions for pipette tip and beaker grooves were not exact


Prototype for final locking mechanism for base: To be implemented in final base

Prototype for base (including joining mechanism): 4 components to be joined together with locking mechanism

Prototype for beaker holder: Helped finalise dimensions and hole design to support each 25ml beaker upright

Prototype for pipette holder: Helped finalise final pipette tip hole dimensions


For a more detailed explanation of our process and the development stages of our project, please explore the Development section of our blog, where we delve deeper into the intricacies of our work.

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