Week 9

Week 9

This week, we focused on planning our main base structure, together with the pipette tip holder and beaker holder. Firstly, we measured and gathered the necessary dimensions required for drafting in Fusion360. As seen in the diagram of initial planning of the main base structure, we planned the dimensions for the main base, ensuring it complements the size of the Enders 3 structure. We had to make sure that the main base structure does not exceed the space limit of the Ender 3 structure. 

Initial planning of main base structure

Additionally, we also planned the dimensions for the pipette tip holder and beaker holder to be placed onto the main base structure, as shown in the diagram below. Our main idea here was to have separate components for the holder platforms. This is to allow the interchangeability of the platforms to ensure versatility in conducting automated serial dilution for beakers and pipette tips of varying sizes. 

Initial planning of holder platforms (beaker holder and pipette tip holder)

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