May 25

Learning Experience

During the whole duration of the project, we learned the importance of fine-tuning and adjustment. Throughout the assembly of the product, we had a few struggles with finding the correct sizes of certain components. For example, there are a few Velcro belts for the dispensing mechanism that are either too large and loose or too small to fit with the dispensing mechanism. It took us ordering many of such Velcro belts before we found one with the optimal length that fitted the dispensing mechanism while also taut enough to ensure that the dispensing mechanism functioned optimally. This experience is one of many that makes us realize that exact accurate measurements were required in assembly and any slight deviations can cause significant problems in the process. We also have to re-model certain components of our product such as the separator discs by raising the height between the lowest and highest points of the discs in order for the cones to be dispensed properly and increase the size of the hole in the middle in order to fit into the pulley bore. When the re-modelling is done, we proceeded with reprinting the components on the 3D printers and attempt to assemble them on the final product. If the newly designed components still fail to work properly, we would then continue to make minor adjustments to bring them to the exact measurements required. This taught us on the importance of fine-tuning measurements to the exact requirements, as mentioned from the previous learning point, and revising certain designs to resolve flaws in the planned product as quickly as possible.

The project also taught us the importance of time management, taking initiative and dividing the workload. The project is carried out throughout the summer break and extended into our Year 2 Sem 1. Due to our busy and conflicting schedules, we divided the whole project’s workload and assigned amongst ourselves certain tasks to be completed so that we can finish latest by the end of the semester. We all took initiative to do our assigned tasks by the assigned deadlines and also meet up at the M&T lab whenever possible to contribute to the assembly of the product, such as 3D printing certain components and building the car frame. After we have finally finished building the final product, we realized how much time and workload is required for this M&T course and it helps us learn why the “divide and conquer” approach is important. It also helped us learn to take accountability and initiative and assist one another whenever we can to finish our product. These learning experiences will definitely be helpful in our other group projects for the following years in NTU.