
Week 9 & Onwards

From Week  9 & onwards, the most difficult challenge we had to overcome was trying to balance M&T with other academic workload. However despite that we did manage to add in new features such as a rotating brush and a rain sensor. During the addition of…Read More

Week 4 to 8: Building and Prototyping

From week 4, we were set on creating the Solar Panel Cleaner as a personal or small scale Solar Panel Cleaner was not available in the market. During the five weeks from week 4 to week 8, we acquired parts through online orders or by 3D…Read More

Week 1 to 3: Ideation & Discussion

Ideation & Discussion As they didn’t have much experience, during week 1 to week 3, Amir & Chuan had lots of research, ideation and discussion to do. They explored different ideas from the original idea of a Solar Panel Cleaner to other ideas such as a Vibrational Speaker. Being mainly…Read More

Progress of project for week #