This page contains information about the various hardware components & software used for our project, as well as our block diagram. For more details about our initial ideas, prototype & final product, view their respective subpages!

Hardware List 

Arduino Uno R4 Wifi

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors

50kg load cells

HX 711 Amplifier

Electromagnetic Door Holder

3.3 V Single-Channel Relay


Custom-made PCB

Raspberry Pi Model 4B


Raspberry Pi Camera 12 MP


Block Diagram

These components were connected according to the following schematic:



The app was built on React Native using Javascript. Adafruit IO, which functions as a cloud server to connect IoT devices, was used to connect the 2 bins. This allows us to control the locking/unlocking mechanism in both bins, and receive data on the weight measured by the weight sensor (which is displayed) and distances recorded by the ultrasonic sensors (full/not full is displayed instead of the distances read by each sensor). In addition, the app can take pictures of the inner bin’s contents using the Raspberry Pi Camera 12 MP, connected to Raspberry Pi Model 4B. When the “take picture” button is selected on the app, Adafruit will inform the Raspberry Pi to take a picture. Raspberry Pi uploads the captured image onto Google Drive, and the Google Drive URL to this image is uploaded to Adafruit IO. This image URL is then retrieved and displayed on the app.