29 July – 2 August

Finalise Basic Arduino Controller Code

  1. Could not get front and back motors to work concurrently
  2. Further research and decided to use Servo library which successfully allows all motors to work according to what we required
  3. Connected the hardware for arduino
  4. Fine-tuning code such that motors balances accordingly
  5. Re-calibrate all 4 motors together as they were not turning equally when sent the same signal

Experiments on smaller prototype

  1. Tested our arduino code without dry-ice
  2. Testing our dry ice hovercraft at Techno Plaza and found that reverse motors were not working equally hence the need to re-calibrate motors or replace ESC. Furthermore, the tiling in Techno Plaza prevented smooth sliding.


  3. After calibration, we decided to try out the hovercraft on the tables of the Year 1 Physics Lab to see if it is able to move straight and turn accordingly

Experiments on final prototype

  1. Designed larger dry ice cap for 2 dry ice instead of one to allow more space to include load
  2. Attempted new design with 2 dry ice but due to uneven height, was not particularly stable


  3. Attempted new design again but along another base this time


Working on Presentations

  1. Slides for final presentation
  2. Completing 1-2 minutes video
  3. Completing A0/A1 poster
  4. Completing the blog 🙂