After attaining our minimum viable product (completion of seamlessly integrating step 1 of the procedure), we decided to prioritize finishing the entire application. Firstly, We created a mathematical counter to loop through the numbers 0 to 4. Then, after some trial and error, we managed to get the code to remove any existing 3d objects. After which, we pieced these 2 together. When the trigger for the next step is activated, the counter will increase by 1, which will represent the progress of the user throughout the 5 steps. When the counter changes, an update listener will proceed to remove the current 3d objects and overlay the 3d object corresponding to the counter. Thus, allowing us to transition from step to step using a trigger.
Currently the trigger is designated as a button press but we decided to implement an automatic step tracker so that the transition is much smoother and the experience could be more hands-free. To achieve that, we would have to improve the machine learning model to make it much more reliable and also develop an algorithm to track the steps based on the visual input. As of now, the algorithm is ready and the machine learning model is still in the midst of training.