About Us

Sowmya (Group Leader)

Major: Aerospace Engineering

About: My name is Sowmya and I’m an Aero engineer. I love arts, baking and all animals (not in my food). I’m here to party hard with this cool mnt jazz over the summer and the best part of the mnt lab is the aircon

Li Zhaochen (Treasurer)

Major: Computer Science

About: I like to watch movie and take photograph

Lin MinHtoo (Secretary)

Major: Chemistry

About: Hello, reporting to duty is Min Htoo, the chemist (and the only non-engineering dude in Weird Flex but OK). Everyone calls me Min2 and I’m not sure why but it’s a cool name. I’m a memelord and when Ms Qian Xin said our name might be too long, I persisted and insisted and made it happen. Strangely, after Tony gave me a 30-min crash course on SolidWorks, I found it quite fun actually. Oh and I also love Tony. He’s our 5th-10th member.

Seet Ynn (Safety Officer)

Major: Mechanical Engineering

About: I’m Seet Ynn, taking Mechanical Engineering. I don’t eat beef and I don’t have beef with MnT (yet).

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