What it was:
We initially wanted our device to be mounted on a gondola, suited for large scale outdoor paint projects. Our initial plan was split into three parts.
Paint transfer (red): We intended to have the paint be poured into a large reservoir located on the floor, have a pump that is able to transport the paint up a long hose into a secondary reservoir on the gondola. The secondary gondola would then have a secondary pump to transfer the paint onto the roller.
Track and horizontal movement (green): We wanted to have a track mounted onto the gondola, and have our device move along that track
Vertical movement/device (blue): our plan was for the painting unit to be hung down from the gondola, and be able to paint the walls using a roller. We intended for the “arms” (attaching the painting unit to the green track) to be extendable, to reduce the need to move the gondola, in order to reduce energy efficiency.
Why we Changed it:
We decided that the gondola idea was too large scale and had too many components, and would be difficult to make successfully in 3 months. This outdoor painting unit would also be limited in use and versatility, as it would not be able to paint indoor walls, and would be unnecessary for shorter buildings. We decided to scale down our project to instead focus on indoor painting.