
Welcome to Team BinMax’s update blog for PS9888 Making and Tinkering, AY19/20 Summer. On this blog, we will be sharing an overview of our project, the details and process of development, our progress and our learning experiences from this project.

Here is a quick navigation guide to the different pages in our blog.

Showcase WebsiteShowcase website for our project. Go there to see a nicely laid out overview of our project that doesn't look like it's from the 20th century!
OverviewIntroduction to our project, its importance and our inspirations.
DetailsA guide to the hardware and software of our smart bin.
DevelopmentA detailed description of the development of the hardware and software of our smart bin.
ProgressA log of our progress and meetings.
Learning ExperienceA page containing our reflections after project completion.
About UsMeet the members of Team BinMax.