Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

Welcome to the progress blog for Team 3’s Wireless Wearable Stethoscope Project, now named “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!”, embarked on for PS9888 Making and Tinkering (AY19/20 Summer, and AY20/21 Semester 1).

This blog is intended to serve as an overview and explanation of our project, while also capturing our developmental process and learning experiences. Navigate the top menu for more detailed information, or continue below for an introduction into our project.

The main aim of our project is to provide a easy-to-use and wearable means of diagnosing a patient’s heart and lung sounds for any pathological elements, especially heart murmurs and lung crackles/wheezes. This would allow patients to better track their health, and crucially, doctors to examine patients’ health outside of a clinical setting and within their day-to-day routines: a factor especially crucial for identifying abnormalities at an early stage, where symptoms are difficult to notice.

WubbaLubbaDubDub! Logo.

For this, we have devised a three-part suite, “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!”, comprising of a wearable device, a companion Android app, and a classifier algorithm as a Windows application. The figure below illustrates the architecture of our project, and more information is available within the blog.

“Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!” was chosen as our project name in view of its proximity to the “lub-dub” sound of the beating heart, but primarily for its profound meaning in its native tongue: “I am in great pain. Please help me,” emphasizing the medical nature of this venture.