
Hi, we are Team Chill Lah! and these are our members:

Bing Hong

Hello world! I am Bing Hong, currently studying Environmental Earth System Science (and working towards a physics minor!). My interests lie in geology and planetary science, and I do hip hop dance by the side!

Zhen Xuan

Hello! I am Zhen Xuan, majoring in Chemistry & Biological Chemistry. I am currently pursuing my interest in organometallic chemistry and pharmacology. I also enjoy playing squash and reading in my free time 😄 !


Hi! I am Deborah and I study Chemistry and Biological Chemistry 🙂 I love learning about how things around me work. In my free time, I enjoy playing the flute and reading.


Hi Everyone! I’m Justin, currently a Year 2 student in NTU majoring in Chemistry & Biological Chemistry with a 2nd Major in Biology! In the little free time that I have, I like to watch Netflix and sleep! Beyond that, I also enjoy table tennis and classical music!


From left to right: Bing Hong, Zhen Xuan, Deborah and Justin

Our project focuses on the usage of thermoelectric coolers (Peltiers) to create an air cooler that cools a localised area. Click on the various tabs to find out more about our cool journey!