Third Lab Visit

We started our day at 10am in the M&T lab.

This time we decided to try TEC12715 modules instead of TEC12706. TEC12715 has a higher current threshold (15A vs 6A) which meant it could be more powerful. However, we only experimented on one TEC module first with a few drops of water to have a rough idea of how fast water would freeze.
Voltage/Current: 12V/10A
Amount of water: like two drops of water
Duration: 1min45s ice fully formed
Final Temp: -11 degrees C

Now that we witnessed TEC12715 reaching lower temperature than TEC12706, we decided to experiment with the same setup as Baby 3 during our previous session. We made a few changes from Baby 3.

Baby 3Baby 2
Type of TEC usedTEC12706TEC12715
Arrangement of PipesSeriesParallel (using pipe connectors)

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