After meeting with Dr Ho, we realised that we were unsure of many things. We also had worked out our own water system model, and wanted to ask Tony for a second opinion. As a result we wrote out a bunch of questions to use as a guide during our discussion with Tony. Here are the questions!
- How many TEC modules should we use and how should we connect the TEC modules to produce the optimal cooling effect? (Series/Parallel)
- What are our variables? (size of ice, volume to be frozen at once, size of pipes etc.)
- What are some key thermodynamic parameters that we should consider when setting up the TEC?
- Power
- Efficiency (COP)
- Conventional TEC freezers online use heatsinks and fans, why is it necessary to use a water cooling system as seen in his simulation?
- Any advice on how to set up all components of ice maker to minimise contact of water with electrical parts of the system and for overall optimal placements of parts
- Will arduino or raspberry pi be better for our project?
- Should we use 3D modelling to model our entire set-up, or will a sketch be sufficient? (considering fusion 360 has limited simulation)
- Could he provide us with some guidance on the type of water pump we require for the water flow system? Also how to incorporate the pump into the water system (how to connect to the water pipes, etc)? (we looked at sump pumps before) Also does that mean we need two electrical outlets one for the pump and one for the tec???
- What are the materials within the lab that are readily available for us to use?
- Is there a function graph available with the TEC modules available in the lab?
The Zoom session with Tony was pretty pleasant. Though there was information overload, Tony kept reassuring us that if we do it step by step, we will be fine. Also, he kept reminding us to not take a lot of stress which was very nice of him. His daughter even made a cameo and we said hi to her haha.
The main point from the discussion with him was that we should try to do a simulation on Solidworks to judge the power supply and amount of fans and heatsinks we will need. He also mentioned that we will slowly figure out what works and what doesn’t through trial and error, and that we should purchase many TEC modules and water cooling blocks first. The rest of the materials can be bought as go forward with testing and experimenting.