Synchronising Sample Time

One of the objectives we have been working towards is ensuring samples from different nodes are time-synchronised (ie sampled at the same point in time). As mentioned here, GPS receivers are one method to obtain accurate timestamps.

The commonly available U-blox Neo-6M GPS receiver outputs a 1 Hz timepulse, which is configurable between 0.25 Hz to 1 kHz. It would be entirely possible to configure the timepulse frequency to match our target sampling frequency, then use an edge of the timepulse to start sampling. However, keeping a GPS receiver constantly powered on has severe implications on battery life.

As presented in Multi-Channel Data Acquisition System with Absolute Time Synchronization:

Measurement of the last (1000th) sample within a given second disables the timer/counter reset (it still increases every clock cycle) and introduces the microcontroller into the awaiting mode (waiting for the next synchronization pulse). When the pulse arrives, the timer/counter value is first read and then it is immediately reset. If the local clock has its nominal frequency (48 MHz), the read value should be equal to C, which corresponds to 1 ms. If it is not, the difference between C and the number of measured cycles is used to adjust C. This technique compensates for possible drifts of the local-oscillator frequency, i.e., it ensures that recorded samples are uniformly distributed over time with 1 ms spacing between them.

We can tweak this slightly by assuming that the drift of our local oscillator is relatively fixed and will not change that rapidly. This allows us to compute C periodically, say, every hour by powering on the GPS receiver, getting a few timepulse edges, then powering off the GPS receiver. The sampling rate until the next synchronisation to GPS time will then be based off the computed value of C.

The use of an ESP32 here complicates things:

  1. Hardware timers are available. Although these timers support periodic mode (ie fire a ISR at a certain interval), they are clocked by the APB clock which may not be stable over time.
  2. A RTC timer is available, which supports the use of an external 32.768 kHz crystal, but there is no support for using this timer to fire interrupts on the main SoC

With these constraints in mind, we propose the following method of synchronising the time at which sensors are sampled:

  1. Start a hardware timer
  2. Wait for at least 2 timepulse edges, store the difference of hardware timer value at each edge as C
    1. Set system (RTC) time based on the timepulse and NMEA sentences (use this to mark time when storing samples)
  3. C represents the number of timer counts (based off APB clock) in a 1 second interval, start a periodic hardware timer with period = C / target sampling frequency
    1. Configure the periodic ISR to start sampling of sensors

A quick experiment suggests that for the particular ESP32-DevKitC that was used, C is approximately 999990:

I (81745) sampling_task: pulse: 81362899
I (82745) sampling_task: pulse: 82362890
I (83745) sampling_task: pulse: 83362880
I (84745) sampling_task: pulse: 84362870
I (85745) sampling_task: pulse: 85362860
I (86745) sampling_task: pulse: 86362850
I (87745) sampling_task: pulse: 87362840
I (88745) sampling_task: pulse: 88362830
I (89745) sampling_task: pulse: 89362820
I (90745) sampling_task: pulse: 90362809
I (91745) sampling_task: pulse: 91362799
I (92745) sampling_task: pulse: 92362789
I (93745) sampling_task: pulse: 93362779
I (94745) sampling_task: pulse: 94362769
I (95745) sampling_task: pulse: 95362759
I (96745) sampling_task: pulse: 96362749
I (97745) sampling_task: pulse: 97362739
I (98745) sampling_task: pulse: 98362729
I (99745) sampling_task: pulse: 99362719

The observed drift of approximately 10 us every second would result in 36 ms of drift over 1 hour, and 864 ms over 24 hours. Given that our target sampling frequency of 80 Hz has a period of 12.5 ms, if uncorrected, this drift would be an issue.

Further testing for a longer period of time is necessary to establish whether the amount of drift is constant (and probably temperature dependent). Exploring the drift of the RTC clock (once our PCBs with a RTC crystal arrive and are assembled) may also provide alternative possibilities for synchronisation.

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