Introducing the people behind the project 🙂
Hi everyone! We are Group 17 from the 2020 PS9888 Making and Tinkering course!
We are all year 2 students and our names are Cherelle, Stark and Hongyue.
We are from the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry (CBC), Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) courses respectively. We got to know each other as we are all from Binjai Hall and started this project because we wanted to tinker with stuff HAHA
This is us! (>‿◠)✌

These are our roles in the project! ✍(◔◡◔)
Hongyue– Leader/Secretary
The person that started it all. Hongyue was the one who approached the others to form this group and start this project. Mostly in-charge of administrative duties like liasing with the teachers and sending the emails and asking for help whenever we need anything.
Project-wise, Hongyue is in-charge of all calculations relating to air pressure and air flow (important in testing potential feasibility of our project) since he is a student from EEE. He helps mainly with the assembly of the prototype and helps Stark to generate ideas and give feedback on how the model can be improved.
Cherelle– Safety/Secretary
As a student from CBC, Cherelle is tasked with testing the prototype’s ability to filter out harmful particles. This is done through the use of certain chemical reactions to produce harmful gases like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide and checking the ability of the filter to capture these gases. (Of course, these reactions and testings will be done in a fume hood because of SAFETY reasons.) She is also in charge of analysing the results from Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in order to determine the effectiveness of the product.
* she is also the one who is in-charge of this blog (secretary ^^ )
Stark– Financial Controller
Being from REP (and also having experience in 3D modelling and 3D printing), Stark is generally the “brains” of our project and he designed our initial air filter model. Through the course of this project, he has also helped to make revisions to the initial designs to improve the model and to make it more airtight. Additionally, being a REP student, he has access to other equipment that the M&T Lab does not have (i.e. laser cutter) which allowed our group to have access to more advanced and precise machinery to help build our prototype (we used the laser cutter from REP so that we did not have to outsource laser cutting services which would have cost additional time, money and effort needed to go down to the vendors) 😀