Week 1 (May 17 – May 23)

Week 1 (May 17 – May 23)

We had our first meeting on the 18th and laid the groundwork for the project. Roles for each member were established and an outline of the project plan was drafted. We decided to focus on the precision aspect of our Stewart-Platform and that some applications we would consider to showcase the platform include aligning optic cables and calibrating precision microscopes.

We also decided on the 6-6 version of the Stewart-Platform where each leg would be attached to 6 individual points on the platform.

We split the group into 2 teams, the first team would focus on researching Stewart-platform mechanics and the math behind the motion. We intend to use MatLab to compute these calculations as it is designed to handle complex matrix equations such as the Stewart-Platform equations. The second group would focus on modeling the Stewart-Platform using Solidworks in order to conduct a motion study we could use.

The research team quickly found that inverse kinematics was the core principle behind the motion of the Stewart-Platform. The calculation of the Stewart-Platform starts from establishing a final position of the platform and deducing the length of the actuators needed to get the platform to that position. Coordinates of the joint positions and the center of the platform would be the reference points needed to make this deduction.

 A summary of the core equations involved is shown below which include the rotation matrix as well as vector equations that resolve for the magnitude of actuator length for each platform leg.



A consolidated and simplified version of the interesting and fun 🔪😂 equations encountered

Preliminary Timeline:

Outline of timeline for the project (May) 

Initial research 

Calculation of geometry

Purchase of components 


Outline of timeline for the project (June) 

Motion study of mechanism in SolidWorks 

Design of parts on SolidWorks (for 3D printing) 

3D printing of platform, platform rods, secondary platform, adapters for holding the linear actuators in place 

Purchase of magnetic joints, linear actuators, controller board, motor drivers 

Familiarize with coding software (e.g. Mach 3, Codesys, Raspberry Pi) 

Begin assembly of the 6DOF platform 


Outline of timeline for the project (July) 



Prepare presentation slides 


18 May 1st Meeting

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