The 2nd prototype of the actuator base adapter mount has finished printing. The reinforced design of this prototype helps in its structural integrity and we didn’t face the same issues as the 1st prototype. However, there is still considerable play in the actuators. Further parts have to be designed and printed to reduce the play in the actuators.
The 1st prototype for the limit switch attachment has finished printing. This results in a far more consistent actuation point which makes the homing sequence more accurate.
Due to the inconsistent heights of the aluminum profiles of the actuators, the 2nd actuator platform adaptor has to be able to change its height to offset these inconsistencies.
The first prototype of the actuator guide has finished printing, unfortunately, the tolerance set was too small which restricted the movement of the actuators. An improved design of the guides will have to be reprinted.
We completed the first full assembly of our platform and started our testing. Some issues we faced include unintentional pitch and roll during x and y translation. This issue is exactly the same as what we faced during the creation of the first motion study. Hence we can suspect that this error is due to inaccurate dimensions used in the python code.
Another issue that we experienced was that the platform was operating in the wrong orientation in relation to what we intended to be the front face. A simple rewiring of the motors and limit switches should solve this issue.
Another issue we faced was with the magnetic ball joints. Since the ball joints rely on magnetism to attach the platform to the actuators, the load capacity of the platform is low and in some complex movements, the joints are unable to remain attached.
One software issue we encountered was that the computer was sending instructions faster than what the Arduino could process. This resulted in the serial buffer overflow and instructions would be lost and cause inaccurate movements. We will have to introduce some delay to the sending of instructions to solve this issue.
In order for our movements to be precise, large movements have to be sliced into smaller movements chained together. Currently, the logic behind the slicing is flawed and needs to be changed to a more dynamic system where the number of slices is based on the magnitude of movement. This would ensure consistent movement per slice which would smooth the movements of the platform.
Software restrictions on the maximum range of motion of the platform also have to be set in order to stop movements from causing the platform to disconnect from the joints.
Some software features such as simultaneous homing, emergency stop and pausing movements have been implemented by modifying the existing Marlin source code.
Preparation of the python code for deployment to the GUI app also has to be completed soon.
2nd prototype of actuator base mounting adapter
Optical breadboard standoffs
1st assembly of the Stewart platform
Movement testing shows unintended roll and pitch during x and y translation and yaw rotation