Week 10 (July 19 – July 25)
The COVID-19 situation in Singapore has suddenly taken a turn for the worse and our access to the lab has been limited due to safety guidelines. This would hinder our progress on the platform and is also the reason why the posts are becoming shorter.
This week’s progress was mainly improvements to the application and development of the 3-legged platform configuration. We printed out a platform and tried testing the 3-legged configuration on our existing 6-legged set-up to test its capabilities. Unfortunately, the 3-legged configuration cannot be set up using the hexapod set-up and will fall apart on its own. We suspect the problem lies in the actuator-rod joint baing a spherical joint. We think changing this joint to a rotational joint would allow the 3-legged configuration to work. Further testing and development of the parts for the tripod setup will be needed.
Tripod setup
Spherical joints causing the platform to be unstable