Come Meet Our Team!

The Team Leader


Huy likes to muse about the wonders of technology and spends 24/7 thinking about robots, a true blue EEE student indeed. Currently the head engineer of the team, he is an amazingly talented and intelligent young man who will go far in life.


The Artistic Engineer


This is Dang Thanh Nhan, currently in NTU as a year 2 EEE student. Most of his interests as well as projects revolve around mechanics and microcontrollers. He is, however, especially interested in design in general (engineer related or not), and have much experience with CAD and Fusion in particular. Aside from projects, he also does some laser electronics research, but only at an apprentice level. (Ha! Apprentice! So he says!)  His aspiration is to be an engineer equipped with an ability to learn across many disciplines, while also having an artistic taste in everything he does.


The Influencer


Hasif studies Bio becasue he loves life *wink wonk* His dream is to be a famous chicken rice stall owner + Youtuber and is currently thinking about opening his very own stall in NTU!


The Sleeping (Beauty)


Xuanle also loves life and walks with a spring in her steps everywhere. Sleeping and staring into space wondering about the mechanics and meaning of life. Studies Mechanical Engineering because everything she touches will spoil.


And of course, this project would not have been possible without the invaluable help of the following professors, mentors and friends. 


This project would not have been possible without the invaluable help of the following professors, mentors and friends. 

Dr Ho Shen Yong

Gan Eng Swee, Tony

Justin, Qi Jie and LimZY from MnT Lab

C N Yang Scholar’s Programme Office