After a lot more googling, we found that most boats have a pointed front, with propellers underneath. And that was a simple but functional design that was very suited to what we need it to do!
As for movement, we remained undecided and figured we could do with either paddles or water jets. Under the advice of Tony, we went with water jets, controlled with the Raspberry Pi. The design was to have 4 jets, one in each direction of NSEW, so that we could have easier control of direction.
We had 2 ideas, and trying to minimise materials and cost, we went with the second design (bottom)
Finally knowing the outlook of the boat and the materials we would need, it was time to start sourcing for these items!
Due to the pandemic, shopping together was not advisable and online shopping was a new skill for most of us. The pandemic also caused a delay in shipping, and the items took a while to arrive. Thankfully, our finance manager Jing Rui was able to get everything we needed in time and soon enough, we could start assembling our items! Of course, that settled the issue of procuring hardware, our next challenge was to figure out how the hardware would create the software…