After a long and arduous hours at the MnT lab and consulting the mentors tirelessly, the boys have finally emerged… well, the first battle is won.
this is what we plan for the interface to look like. But of course, its taking a lot of willpower and brainpower — thank you guys — to get past the steep learning curve of figuring out codes and how to code…
updates on software side: —adjustable water pump power —added an accelerator, halfway through —VPN concept for remote network control —Justin helped and guided us for VPN —we managed to pass a value from frontend to backend, and connected the pumps to the slider dynamically —we made the website nicer (with a new font, and a full background)
Definitely not an easy feat, and as the team member working on the hardware side its mad respect to watch them sit themselves down and determined to finish what they set out to do at the start of the day!
In other news, its time to get more pumps and mosfet channels…