software inferface

After a long and arduous hours at the MnT lab and consulting the mentors tirelessly, the boys have finally emerged… well, the first battle is won. 

this is what we plan for the interface to look like. But of course, its taking a lot of willpower and brainpower — thank you guys — to get past the steep learning curve of figuring out codes and how to code… 

updates on software side:
—adjustable water pump power
—added an accelerator, halfway through
—VPN concept for remote network control

—Justin helped and guided us for VPN
—we managed to pass a value from frontend to backend, and connected the pumps to the slider dynamically
—we made the website nicer (with a new font, and a full background)

Definitely not an easy feat, and as the team member working on the hardware side its mad respect to watch them sit themselves down and determined to finish what they set out to do at the start of the day! 

In other news, its time to get more pumps and mosfet channels… 

on and off

Meanwhile the boys were hustling with the webpage, and it was an insane amount of javascript that being challenged in the languages, at first glance it just seemed like a string of letters and < > / symbols. 

But what blew us away was the back end; which, is what I learnt was a thing. Front end is the webpage you see, and back end is the behind the scenes controls. 

Might have to tilt your head here (yay technology…) but here is the final accomplishment!

learning Raspberry Pi and how it works

The next thing was to share knowledge, so everything that the boys learnt by trial and error over the past few weeks: they were giving us a crash course in 1hour. 

First was powering up the cameras and the router. Connecting the wires, plugging into computer, powering up the system…

Accessing the router through the tp-link and the address @ where x refers to the cameras and the NVR (our storage system for all the videos recorded). Once that was done, they taught us how to use Blue Iris and to familiarize ourselves with the interface. 

Then, it was using Raspberry Pi module. Functioning as a miniaturized computer, we reconnected the keyboard, mouse and monitor to the Rpi and lo and behold: 

“Eee why the wallpaper like that one”

Then, the boys introduced to us the bread board and the pins at the side of the RPi. 

Using their previous code, they proceeded to explain line by line, and the numbering system of the pins on the Rpi. 



and Anita proceeded to make that the desktop wallpaper instead… 

The code programs light bulbs connected in the bread board to blink at certain intervals. So with the lightbulbs and resistors in place, we connected the jumper wires to the board and volia!


We were dumbfounded. 

Checking the connections, the code, the lightbulb…we found out about one other important factor: the anode of the bulb.

Basically, LEDs have a long end and a short end.

and if not properly positioned based on current input and output, the LED will not light up.

After troubleshooting and reconfiguring the set up: we nailed it.

The lights blinked in perfect synchrony.

changing the refresh rate of the code, we learnt that the fact that “your eyes have a refresh rate of 20fms” is not exactly accurate, its actually 13.5fms, you’re welcomed.