
Our Journey

Week 1 and 2

Progress for Week 1 to 2



Transitioning from automated coffee machine due to hygiene purposes, to our current fridge project


Block diagram for circuit components required











Block diagram for user inputs

Week 3 to 4

Progress for Week 3 to 4


Risk Assessment


Electronics Workshop


Week 5

Progress for Week 5


Purchase of items


Software development

Barcode Scanning



Inventory system to track items in a csv file


Week 7

Progress for Week 7


Improved GUI with navigations



Week 8

Progress for Week 8


Initial sketch for multi-camera setup


Initial design for multi-camera setup


Design of webcam mounts v1

(Left – 4 side faces, Right – Top and bottom faces)

Week 9

Progress for Week 9


Gantt chart


First webcam mount prototypes


Working on blog (Project Overview, Learning Experience, Design Specifications)

Week 10

Progress for Week 10


Begin construction of multi camera setup


Further improvements to GUI (Keyboard, Manual input guidelines for users)




Working on blog (Software and Hardware Development logs, Timeline up till Week 9)

Week 11

Progress for Week 11


Complete building of multi camera set up, testing of webcam mounts


Testing Raspberry Pi with USB webcams


Design of webcam mounts v2 (thinner to maximise space between the lens and objects)


Second webcam mount prototypes


Further integration of codes into Raspberry Pi

Week 12

Progress for Week 12


Integration of barcode scanning and text recognition into Raspberry Pi


Design of webcam mounts v3 (notch to accommodate the position of the wire)


Third webcam mount prototypes


Testing of all USB Webcams on aluminium profile


Design of Raspberry Pi case and supports


First Raspberry Pi mount prototype

Week 13

Progress for Week 13


Finalising GUI and testing of functions



Preparation for final presentation and video


Working on blog (Timeline up till Week 13, Software and Hardware development logs)


Final presentation!