Project Overview


Our idea is to create a lyre-playing robotic device that can be programmed to play a certain set of melodies. 



We decided on this project because we love music and engineering. So how do we marry the two? Engineer a machine to play music! We hope that our machine would be able to perform for many people and it could potentially be useful for playing duets with oneself, especially when it is difficult to find someone else to practice with. Besides, we think that it’s pretty cool! 


Key Features 

  • Portability 
    • The whole machine fits within a 50cm by 50cm by 50 cm cube!
  • Versatility 
    • Any song that can be exported to a MIDI file format can be played on our machine
    • A wide range of melodies can be played by the 12-string lyre which covers about 1.5 octaves
  • Impressive display 
    • LED lights light up when each string is played 😀
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