Five Finger Rule for Selecting books for children

Five Finger Rule for Selecting books for children

Reading is an important skill in learning how to use a language. However, reading abilities may differ across individuals, even for children. Books need to be challenging enough for one to learn from and be interested in, but not to the extent that it discourages one from trying to read! How might we find this balance? The five-finger rule is one method  parents can use to select appropriate books for their child.

Try it out by following the steps in the image below!

According to the five-finger rule (above), books that get 1-3 fingers raised are appropriate for your child, while books that receive 4-5 raised fingers may be too challenging – parents may choose to switch to an easier book for your child to read. However, if your child is very interested in the topic despite the number of difficult vocabulary, you can read the book together with your child (Scholastic, 2022) and help them learn new words!

Ultimately, the five-figure rule is a guideline for selecting books for children and it can be a good starting point for parents to encourage good reading habits in their child (Reading Eggs, 2017).



Reading Eggs. (2017, April 7). Five Finger Rule: Finding Just Right Books for Your Child.; Reading Eggs.

Scholastic. (2022, August 8).  The Five Finger Rule for Reading Will Help Your Child Find a ‘Just-Right’ Book.; Scholastic.


Drafted by: Keval, Szandra, Sharon, and Yi Ting

Edited by: Michelle and Phoebe

Reviewed by: Annabel and Joyce

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