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Join Our Studies!

BrainNORM Study: Understanding Brain Networks of Reading and Math 

Our project aims to help us better understand how young children learn to read and work with numbers.

The BrainNORM study is currently recruiting young children of ages 5-7 years old.  Your child will be tasked to complete some simple math and reading tasks, and a simple non-diagnostic feedback on your child’s performance may be provided.

To sign up, please click on this link or scan the QR code in the poster! For any enquiries, please contact Dr. Lynette Looi at

This project is funded by the Ministry of Education with ethics approval by the NTU Institutional Review Board (Reference Number: IRB-2023-364).


PEBBLE Study: Promoting Effective Biliteracy and Balanced Bilingual Development in Early Childhood (5-7 years old)

Our project aims to develop systematic screening measures and effective training programmes to promote balanced bilingual and biliteracy development in early childhood.

The PEBBLE project is now recruiting Kindergarten 2 and Primary 1 children (ages 5 to 7). Eligible children will be administered a battery of written and oral assessments, and undergo a safe and non-invasive brain imaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To gather children’s background information, parents will be invited to complete an online survey.

Sign up HERE or scan the QR code in the flyer.

For any queries, please email us at or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We hope to see you soon!

This project is funded by Temasek Foundation with ethics approval by the NTU Institutional Review Board (Reference Number: IRB-2020-02-045).


Reading Brains: COSMIC Space Mission (7-9 years old)

Our Reading Brains study (IRB Reference No.: IRB-2020-11-031) aims to help us understand the brain networks involved in reading in early bilinguals. In our study, your child will have the opportunity to undergo an MRI brain scan while participating in an interactive space-themed Brain Imaging session. Before the MRI scan, your child will engage in many activities and games related to MRI through a space-themed storyline, including exploring different planet activity stations. During the MRI scan, your child will be performing some simple language tasks. At the end of the session, you will receive a photo of your child’s brain!

To sign up, please email to indicate your interest!

Reading Brains is part of a larger study under the National Research Foundation. We collaborated with teams from NIE and BLIP lab to conduct this study! If you are interested to find out more about BLIP lab and their current studies, check them out at:

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