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Cloud Nine
“Come dressed in white and wear shoes that are easy to remove.”
Centred on the theme ‘angels’, Cloud Nine was a whimsical event organised by the CNYSC Social & Welfare portfolio. Taking place in the evening at the Crescent and Pioneer Function Hall, it wasn’t just a simple exam welfare package giveaway and CNYSC Angel & Mortal revelation. Before the evening began, we were each given an envelope with a pair of mismatching socks. Instructed to remove our shoes and wear a sock on our left foot, we waddled uncertainly across the wooden floors and sat in our usual circles as we waited for the event to begin.
Waiting for Cloud Nine to commence
Our emcees soon stepped on stage to usher us into our respective groups. Organised based on the colour of our envelopes (blue, red and orange), we were about to commence with the first game of the evening. After sending a representative on stage, we were briefed on the instructions of the unusual game. A phrase comprising of 15 letters would be flashed on the screen and we had to lie on the ground, using our bodies to spell out individual letters to help our representative figure out the correct phrase. It wasn’t easy scrambling to pin ourselves on the floor, contorting our bodies into odd shapes in somewhat futile attempts to form human letters. Somehow, our representatives managed to make sense of the mess and we got through the game without much trouble.
With contortions out of the way, it was about time for dinner. Grabbing our plates of mee siam and fried fish, we clustered into groups once again and chatted our way through the next half hour.
Thoroughly satisfied with our meal, we soon cleared our plates to make way for the second game of the evening: pin the halo onto the angel. As a modified version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, customised posters of angels were pasted across the walls. Blindfolded participants were to spin on the spot before stumbling across the hall to pin their halos on the angels.
With the final halo successfully stuck onto the wall, we were geared up for the biggest game of the evening: the CNYSC Angel & Mortal Reveal. Standing in dispersed groups, we were to find our missing pairs of socks. The owners of our missing pairs would be our angels/mortals, and a hilarious scene of scholars racing across the floor in attempts to reunite their lone sock soon ensued.
It wasn’t long before a large circle of angel/mortal pairs filled the room, matching pairs of socks dotting the otherwise mundane parquet. But that’s not all. Three huge paper balls were soon distributed amongst participants, and we had to pass the balls to our left until the music playing over the sound system stopped. Participants holding onto the paper balls when the music ended were invited to step into the centre of the circle to remove one layer of the paper ball. Some ripped the packaging open only to find that they were to take part in a series of strange penalties.
The game went on until the final layer was removed. Busy with cheering our friends on, many of us did not notice that the evening was growing late. As the game came to a close, we were ushered into orderly queues to pick up our exam welfare packages. As with every EWP giveaway, there were heartfelt messages of encouragement to support scholars through the gruelling examinations. Before retreating back to our rooms with bags of snacks and stationeries, we took comfort in the knowledge that we could always count on each other for help and support.
This cemented the objective behind organising our very own CNYSC Angel and Mortal – to form lasting relationships across all levels, and to advocate sharing. While Cloud Nine marked the end of the CNYSC Angel and Mortal, our scholars have evidently embodied the spirit of selfless giving.