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The theme of the convocation dinner this year, Polaris, reminds me of the freshmen orientation camp Asteri four years ago when we were all new to CN Yang and when we first met each other. Four years down the road, we have shared lasting memories whenever we were together and have found some of the best friends in our lives over here.

And what’s more, on the night of Convocation 2018 we stood together under the stars – the organizing committee of Polaris have put up something really special for us, that is, the Royal Albatross tall ship in Sentosa. It was a vastly different experience as compared to the hotels where we were so used to visit every year. While we were mesmerized by the atmosphere of the ship and enjoyed the free wine and champagne from the bar, the juniors have also planned various activities to keep us entertained throughout the night: mast climbing, singing performances, games, treasure-hunting, video montage and the lucky draw at the end of the event. Away from the busy streets of the city, we really enjoyed a chilled and wonderful night on board the ship, thanks to the thoughtful juniors.

Of course, this is not just about us. We couldn’t have completed this journey without the help of many. Our caring seniors who guided us in Asteri and helped us with the tough year 1 modules. Prof Tan, Ms Lee and CNYSP office who were always there to support us whenever we needed help or advice. Our professors who were so patient in solving our puzzles when we were in doubt. To them I say a big thank you.

While wobbling with the waves on deck, I thought about what is the biggest takeaway that I have after four years in CN Yang. I was searching for a word, but I couldn’t find one – there is no word in English to describe this feeling – the opposite of loneliness. We spent four years in university with this group of young, energetic and bright students. We formed groups, and tiny circles with each other. We travelled together and explored many places around the world. We feel loved, safe and part of something even in our loneliest and sleepless nights. CN Yang is like a family. You know there are people who are in this together, who are on you team. And this is the feeling that I am scared of losing when I graduate. But as I told my friends during farewell, the best years of our lives are not behind us. We don’t have to lose all this.

We are still young, Class of 2018. Let’s make something happen to this world.