When you cross ghosts, skeletons and dank memes, you get our CN Yang Scholars’ Club’s Halloween event, organised by the club’s Social and Welfare Portfolio. The event was definitely one of the highlights of the semester, and not just because of all the goodies that we get during the event cough but also all the exciting games we got to play!
Everyone was clad in all kinds of quirky costumes, including Harry Potter costumes, pumpkins, some spooky gothic costumes, even Min Htoo made a budget meme costume for himself. We were split into several groups to roam around the hall playing at the game booths, so the first booth for our group was the origami folding booth where we had to fold our own photo frame and decorate it with the stickers there. Next was the card games in which the game was designed to fit the theme of Halloween, and while it was slightly confusing at first, we all managed to get the hang of it and enjoyed the game a lot.
Next came the food bingo game where each number is represented by a food item, and we had to place different food items onto the grid and we had to eat the specific food item that was called out until we got an empty row, column or diagonal. I especially enjoyed how we would always sneak a bite of the snacks when we’re filling up the grid, essentially making it a “Free Snacks” booth. Then, we also had a “Shoot the Babies” game where we had to shoot some eerie, Chucky-ish-looking baby dolls hanging from the walls or on the table with a toy bow which looked like something that came out of Sailor Moon. While the bow was being abused by people trying to shoot the babies, the bullets were prone to getting stuck and every time that happened someone would shout “Rifle jam, IA (immediate action)” which made it that much funnier.
There was also a photo booth that came with a twist: people from two teams were numbered and a story is told, the people corresponding to the numbers in the story had to enter the frame and one team had to push the other team out of the frame. Everyone’s hands and feet were literally everywhere from pushing each other to covering each other’s faces, and when the photos were finally taken it was hilarious to see what kind of expressions we made, truly a meme factory. Finally, we had to do a “magic carpet” race (which was actually just a trash bag) to the centre of the hall and find some items within three boxes stuffed with newspaper. Our desperation came to a point where we couldn’t find the items in the boxes, so we flipped the whole box and newspaper flew everywhere, that was epic.
Before concluding, we played a Kahoot game of cartoon characters and had our lucky draw. The winners won lots of lucrative prizes (of which I wasn’t one of them OOF) and with a group photo, the event came to an end. It was really a well-deserved break for everyone after weeks and weeks of slugging through the semester and allowed us to enjoy ourselves before restarting the grind again for finals. Great event, upDOOTed!