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“Have you seen her?” The Halloween event organised by the Social and Welfare portfolio was a successful event that many attended and enjoyed, and gave everyone a good break from studying.

Shooting down bottles with…eyeballs???

The event was started off with a buffet dinner, and it gave everyone a chance to gather and catch up with one another, away from our busy schedules, before the event officially started with the funeral of the protagonist, Charlotte. We then played a series of station games in our groups, which were simple enough but still allowed us to have fun with our group mates. The escape room was one highlight of the event, setting an appropriate mood for Halloween. One of the enjoyable aspects of this event was that it was quite relaxed and chill, with no need to rush from one station to another. There was even time set aside for us to play board games at our own leisure.

Strategy game much?

The storyline set for this event was riveting as well, and it was exciting and suspenseful to piece together parts of the story to solve the mystery as we played the station games. It was especially satisfying when we reached the plot twist and realised that Charlotte was, in fact, not dead! The night ended off with a fun lucky draw, where a lot of useful gifts were given out.

In all, this Halloween event was a pleasant experience that not only gave us a relaxed evening, but also allowed us to enjoy Halloween thoroughly with a compelling theme and storyline.