Exams aren’t the only hurdles we climb over!

At the start of November, our scholars had the opportunity to attend a beginner’s bouldering workshop led by two experienced boulderers in learning the basics of this fun but challenging sport. Here’s what one of our scholars had to say about his first-time experience bouldering.

“As a bouldering newbie, seeing the more experienced climbers in the bouldering gym effortlessly scale the various routes made bouldering look very fun and easy, so I was very excited to give it a go! However, I was quickly humbled by even the easiest of routes and ended up feeling winded after a few minutes of climbing.”

“Yet, there was a lot of fun to be had by watching my friends attempt to scale and fall along the different routes, and even more inspiring to see their gradual progress leading to eventual completion of the route. The spirit of competition was surely in the air, as we all were egged on by the successes of our friends to try out the routes they had just completed, temporarily forgetting all the fatigue that had been accumulated so far.”

“By the end of the night, our limbs and joints had become tender and bruised, but we were still reliving the highs of surmounting the different routes, getting over our personal fears and achieving our personal goals. Our bodies may have been broken, but our spirits were surely still going strong!” – Mitchel Tay

Thank you to our 16MC Holistic Development portfolio for organising this event!