A much-needed respite from the stress of exams!

As we near the end of the semester, and the dreaded finals draw ever closer, something else much more light-hearted and exciting returns. That’s right, the biannual Exam Welfare Initiative makes a comeback!

Organised by the 17MC Business Management Portfolio, the contents of this semester’s welfare packs were meticulously crafted with consideration for each scholar’s needs during this stressful period.

By the end of the event, the scholars’ tote bags were once again filled to the brim with a variety of sweets and snacks, as well as stationary and writing pads that would come in handy when studying for finals in the weeks to come.

Special thanks to our sponsors:

Kotex for providing their useful Starter Packs!

 Sagiko for supplying us with their thirst-quenching Vitamin Water!

And Khong Guan for supplying their delicious biscuit packets!

A huge thank you to the 17MC Business Management Portfolio for organising this event! We wish all scholars all the best for their exams and hope they had a great first semester!