Yang Idols
Link to Gallery BY SOWMYA SRINIVASAN IYER As you enter the hall, pictures of your favorite childhood cartoons surround you, flooding your mind with nostalgic memories from back then. Seeing new friends in their old uniforms, fondly remembering their pre-CN Yang...
SingNYang: A Cappella Singing Workshop
Link to Gallery BY ISHA SINGH LE XUE Singing is a passion for many people, whether as a bathroom solo singer or as part of a larger choir or an A Cappella group. Yet for most people, it is rare to hear of singing lessons the way one might hear about piano, violin...
CNYSC Alumni Homecoming 2018
Link to Gallery BY NG DEWEY There's nothing like a place we can call home. For all CN Yang scholars, CresPion halls is a place which all scholars have called home at least once. On the 2nd of February, scholars from past batches were invited to come “home” once...
Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) Visit 2018
BY GOH YING TING We were fortunate to be given the opportunity to visit the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) at A* STAR. As a computer science undergraduate, I was undeniably eager to learn more about the various research studies and innovations...
SIMTech Visit 2017
BY CHENG WEI QUAN When thinking about the manufacturing process, the first thing that comes to my mind are the automations in assembly lines of a factory, producing goods from raw materials. However, the current trend of automation and data exchange in...
Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) Visit 2017
BY CHAN JUN YU SERIS is the key institute in Singapore focusing on applied solar energy research. It is located at National University of Singapore (NUS), having operations over several floors. Unlike other solar module manufacturing factories, SERIS is more...
Halloween 2017 – The PUrGe
Link to Gallery BY JOSEPH SEBASTIAN ANG The Crespion Function Hall was still the function hall that I knew when I got there, but the decorations made it somewhat different. For that night only, the spirit of Halloween was in the air (although some might be amused...
Yoga Session by Ohmsantih Yoga
Link to Gallery BY YEO KAI WEN, BEVERLEY “Pfft, yoga? Isn’t that the one where old people just randomly prance around in spandex on rubber mats?” I think my initial thoughts when faced with the word “Yoga” went something along those lines. Well, I wasn’t very...
CNYSP US Learning Trip 16/17
Link to Gallery The Science of Art and Beauty: How Ways of Seeing Inspires Ideas BY WAN XIU WEN JEANNETTE One idea struck a chord in me during this educational trip: to truly inspire, science must not just be “interdisciplinary” in our typical understanding of the...
πrates: Quest for Lost Treasure!
Link to Gallery BY UNNAVA VENKATA RAMANA NITIN “Yarr, me hearties! Set sail for adventure!!!” The scholars arrived early on the morning of 14th October 2017 for an exciting day of fun activities that had been planned out by the Special Projects Portfolio. The...
Duke-NUS Visit 2017
Link to Gallery BY LIN MIN HTOO Last Friday, 17 CN Yang Scholars embarked on a visit to Duke-NUS to learn more about its graduate study options. It was a drizzling afternoon, marking the end of recess week. A week of not having seen much of one another gave...
Convocation 2017 – Volare
Link to Gallery BY LIM HUI QIN “Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”Douglas Adams Volare, the theme of the dinner, encompassed fully the wish our juniors had for us – to soar towards our goals and dreams after graduation. The...