Nature Day Out with Seniors

Going back to our roots On 8 January 2025, the Community Engagement portfolio kicked off the year with Nature Day Out with Seniors! Partnering with NTUC Health Active Ageing Centre (Jurong Central Plaza), we took 40 lively seniors on a wonderful excursion to the...

Exam Welfare Initiative 1

A much-needed respite from the stress of exams! As we near the end of the semester, and the dreaded finals draw ever closer, something else much more light-hearted and exciting returns. That’s right, the biannual Exam Welfare Initiative makes a comeback! Organised by...


A Frightful Friday to end the week! Hallow-Yang, the first event hosted by the 17MC Social & Welfare Portfolio, was more than just a Halloween-inspired gathering—it was an unforgettable night designed to help students unwind before the chaos of exam season. The...

Inline Skating

Skating into the weekend The 17MC Holistic Development Portfolio’s first event, Inline Skating, gave scholars a refreshing break from their academic workload with an exciting 2-hour workshop. Designed to blend fun with personal growth, the event introduced...

JUMP, CN Yang! 2017

Link to Gallery BY CAMILLE MAU When we think of any phrase involving the word “jump”, the one which immediately comes to mind is “jump for joy”. Indeed, it is fitting that the final event of CN Yang in the 2016/2017 school year is titled “JUMP, CN Yang!”. We...


Suit Up 2017

Link to Gallery Suit Up 2017 BY RACHEL HEW JIA YI Those who know me know that I like shopping, and that I really like food too. Hence, participating in Social and Welfare’s very own rendition of the classic game, Angel and Mortal (A&M): Poker Face,...


There, Dare! 2017

Link to Gallery BY UNNAVA VENKATA RAMANA NITIN When the sign-up survey came out, one of the questions on it was ‘How scared of heights are you? (1=Not scared at all and 10=AAARGGHHH)’. I thought to myself “Psh, I’m not that scared of heights…” I mean, I could look...


ReBO 2017

Link to Gallery BY PANG JINGYI A close-to-5-hours workshop was indeed worth it for a person who is kind of clueless in terms of personal branding, like myself. I am sure many people ask themselves these few questions when they are planning to write their...


D&D 2017 – Foodyssey: Around the World

Link to Gallery FOODyssey: 27th of February, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel BY KOW ZI SHAN Promised with a night of good food and good fun, over a hundred of us streamed into the reception area. When our daily school attire was usually nothing more than...


Homecoming 2017

Link to Gallery BY AMRUTA Homecoming – a yearly event that allows alumni to return, reminisce and recollect - is truly one that resonates with its literal name. This year, the Outreach portfolio of CNYSC organised Homecoming 2017 on 3rd February at the...


Defend Yourself 2017

[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src="user_album" uid="117382818726251679027" ualb="6385116282918754449" imgl="fancybox" style="wall" row="4" size="400" num="8" shadow="1" highlight="1" align="center" max="100"] Link to Gallery Defend Yourself 2017...


Tailored for a Better Me

BY CHIN CHUN HWEE Personal grooming is the embodiment of respect for self and for others, because it is about how I want to present myself. It exudes self-confidence and gives others a good impression on first meetings. Knowing that I will need to give formal...


Nightlock 2016: CN Yang Halloween

[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src="user_album" uid="117382818726251679027" ualb="6363135510964853985" imgl="fancybox" style="wall" row="4" size="400" num="8" shadow="1" highlight="1" align="center" max="100"] Link to Gallery Nightlock 2016 BY MELDON...

Humans of CN Yang

Humans of CN Yang – Pratham Sabannavar

BY CNYSC PRESS & PUBLICITY PORTFOLIO It’s the last week of the semester and we are bringing you the next instalment of Humans of CN Yang! We had a really enjoyable session with Pratham Sabannavar, a Year 2 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) student and...