Have You Seen Her?

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“Have you seen her?” The Halloween event organised by the Social and Welfare portfolio was a successful event that many attended and enjoyed, and gave everyone a good break from studying.

Shooting down bottles with…eyeballs???

The event was started off with a buffet dinner, and it gave everyone a chance to gather and catch up with one another, away from our busy schedules, before the event officially started with the funeral of the protagonist, Charlotte. We then played a series of station games in our groups, which were simple enough but still allowed us to have fun with our group mates. The escape room was one highlight of the event, setting an appropriate mood for Halloween. One of the enjoyable aspects of this event was that it was quite relaxed and chill, with no need to rush from one station to another. There was even time set aside for us to play board games at our own leisure.

Strategy game much?

The storyline set for this event was riveting as well, and it was exciting and suspenseful to piece together parts of the story to solve the mystery as we played the station games. It was especially satisfying when we reached the plot twist and realised that Charlotte was, in fact, not dead! The night ended off with a fun lucky draw, where a lot of useful gifts were given out.

In all, this Halloween event was a pleasant experience that not only gave us a relaxed evening, but also allowed us to enjoy Halloween thoroughly with a compelling theme and storyline.


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Undercooked!!! was a food-themed centric finale event organized by Social and Welfare (SnW) portfolio in attempt to bring about joy and fun before the last stretch of stressful preparation by the Scholars for their final examinations. During this event, various carnival games such as Toss the Light Rings and Knock’em All were set up for the scholars with a fun element added as the scholars competed with each other to break the high scores rather than playing individually.

A group of CN Yang Scholars playing Toss the Light Rings

Towards the end of the event, we played an exciting finale game, which was “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Sandwich”. This finale activity was one of the highlights in this finale event where creativity is key in this friendly competition to create the most interesting miniature food products from paper ingredient templates. Thereby, earning themselves faction points that will contribute to the final ranking of the factions in this event.

A group of CN Yang Scholars cutting out the templates during the finale activity – “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Sandwich”

All in all, most of the scholars had fun and managed to unwind themselves momentarily during this short but fun-filled period of time. Hopefully, Undercooked!!! managed to recharge the CN Yang scholars during this stressful period of time in University.

New Year New Dreams

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It was a new semester for us and a brand new year, so to start the year off on the right foot the CN Yang Scholars’ Club’s Social and Welfare portfolio organised the “New Year New Dreams” event to let us kick back and enjoy before starting the hectic semester.

The event started with a delicious and scrumptious buffet, after which we had ample time to mix around with the fellow CN Yang Scholars before the programmes officially started.

After dinner the programmes started, which included booths with traditional games like capteh, uno and even scrabble. There were also interesting booths like the henna/skin paint, which we usually wouldn’t have done on our own. Traditional snacks like Gem Biscuits and Potato Wheels were given out, which will definitely come in handy during revision time.

Magnificent yet aesthetically pleasing henna drawings made by scholars for scholars

There were also message boards posted around the walls of the function hall, which allowed the scholars to write their messages and hopes for the new year while reminiscing on old times. There were a mix of wholesome and funny messages which also helped lift our spirits.

Some scholars writing messages on the message boards on the walls while others immersed in a game of capteh

Overall, the event was truly enjoyable and relaxing, and gave us a good break in between studies. 11/10 would go again! ?