Join the Hall 7 Hall Council family and get the opportunity to put your leadership skills to the test. Being the voice of the residents, you get to represent Hall 7 on a wider stage and be reason residents have unforgettable experiences in our weekly events.
Hall Council Portfolios
President Veera @veeeeeraa |
Vice President Alaric @alaricpow |
Honorary General Secretary Yi Xin @yixin_0 |
Financial Controller Bridget @bribribriz |
Sports Secretaries Juan @wjuann Marcus @marcuscjhh |
Recreational Secretaries Aaron @Jadrat Rane @yeorane |
Cultural Secretaries Jessica @jessjiajia Sven @ven_tureS |
Publicity and Publication Secretaries Perlin @chickenu99et Wee Kian @Weedstheweekend |
Social Secretary Shanice @shaniceelarhh |
Welfare Secretary Herlina @herlss |
Business Manager Ari @ayyriel |
34th Hall Council

33rd Hall Council
32nd Hall Council
31st Hall Council
30th Hall Council
29th Hall Council
28th Hall Council