Introducing YEP club!
Hello:) Welcome to our smol YEP club! We are an ad-hoc event-based group under BS club and we mainly do volunteering both overseas and locally. Due to COVID, we have moved overseas volunteering online aka “YEP Goes Online” where we will have to plan activities over for an overseas community serving up to 20 hours! Aside from online volunteering, we also carry out local volunteering with various organizations!
As we reach the end of the academic year 2020/2021, we will be recruiting up to 13 members for this academic year! We hope to see you soon:)
AY20/21 Committee
These are our beloved members of YEP club AY2020/21
Our Past Events
YEP-GO: Online Teaching Programme with kids from EVG Community Library
We planned a one-week Virtual Teaching program through Zoom for the students in Eco Vietnam Group (EVG) community library located in Phong Tram, Vietnam.
This week included English lessons and multiple games to reinforce the teaching!
If you have past experience in planning a virtual volunteering program and is interested in planning your own programs, do join our club:)
8 to 11 years old students in the morning session making hearts for us at the end of the program. uWu
12 to 17 years old students in the afternoon session making hearts for us at the end of the program <3
Bingo session with the kids in the morning session with the task given in English to reiterate what was taught during lessons:)
Testing the kids’ understanding of words taught during lessons by getting them to draw the word which was given in English!
Zumba session with kids in the morning session to wake them up before lessons!
Scavenger hunt with the morning students where they took their favorite plushies and toys to the camera. CHeeze!
Local Community Engagement Programme: Krishna’s Free Meals
This year we decided to work with a food catering organization Krishna”s Free Meals. This vegetarian kitchen makes delicious Indian cuisine for migrant workers at a low price of $0.50 per packet. We helped them to cut vegetables while the head chefs cooked the delicious Indian delicacies.
Delicious! Sadly, due to covid restrictions and heightened alerts, our volunteering halted mid-way hence the lack of pictures 🙁
Fret not! we promise to source for more fun volunteering programs this academic year as the pandemic situation gets better so do join our club!
CHOP CHOP CHOP! many ingredients were chopped ><
Local Voluneering at Krishna’s Free Meals!