Management Committee Election


The following roles are available:

Top 5 Positions:
– The President
– The Vice-President (Operations)
– The Vice-President (Student Life)
– The Honorary General Secretary
– The Financial Controller

Directorial Positions:
– The Business Director
– The Events Director
– The House Director
– The Logistics Director
– The Publicity Director
– The Welfare Director

Other Positions:
– Two (2) Union Executive Committee Representatives

More information about each role can be found here!


Follow the checklist below. Note that points 1-5 are to be done before the Nomination Period deadline.

1. Select two people to back up your nomination.
     – You need one person to propose your nomination, and another person to second the nomination.
     – These two people
cannot be running for elections themselves, cannot propose/second another candidate (other clubs included), and must be current full-time undergraduate students pursuing courses of study in SPMS.

2. Apply for your own nomination on the online voting portal. Your proposer and seconder must access the same link to endorse your nomination. Candidates who would like to withdraw their nomination may do so within the Nomination Period by contacting the Returning Officer.
*** We have been made aware of an issue regarding the submission of the 1080px-by-1080px Profile Photo on the online voting portal. The Union Elections Committee has advised us that this photo entry does not directly update when the file is uploaded, but it will show up upon the submission of the nomination. Please contact the Returning Officer should you have any further issues. ***

3. Compile these four required documents:
     – Your e-nomination form (with all signatures except the ones by the Election Officer);
Your election rally slides (max. 3 slide PowerPoint Presentation);
Your election poster (A3-sized, JPEG/PNG/PDF file type); and
     – Your current STARS timetable.

4. Ensure that the four documents above have the following naming format: “(Position)_(Full Name)_(Document Name)”. For example: “Secretary_EduardWikarta_RallySlides.pptx”.

5. Submit the four documents above to the Returning Officer (email address at the main page) by the Nomination Period deadline. The email subject must follow this format: “Nomination to (Position) for (Full Name)”. For example: “Nomination to Secretary for Eduard Wikarta”.

6. Check that you receive acknowledgement of the submission within 24 hours. If no acknowledgement is given, re-send the email and ensure that the address is correct. Late entries will not be accepted.

7. During the Campaign Period, the Election Committee will erect blue boards in the SPMS MAS Atrium. Your e-nomination form and election poster will be pasted onto the board by the Election Committee, and will also be taken down the evening before Cooling Off Day. Candidates who do not comply with any of the following rules will be disqualified:
     – Publicity materials are strictly only allowed at areas designated by the Returning Officer;
     – No publicity material shall bear inappropriate and indecorous content;
No publicity material shall bear defamatory remarks toward other candidates; and
Candidates are to stand for election individually and are strictly not allowed to run with each other or advertise another candidate.

8. The days of the Election Rally have been included in the Renewal Timeline. The exact rally timeslot will be made known to prior to the rally, and the Election Committee will arrange timeslots to accommodate your schedule (to a reasonable degree). Ensure that you are able to physically attend the rally, otherwise you will be disqualified. Your proposer and seconder do not have to attend the rally.

9. During the Election Rally, all candidates must give a speech (max. 10 minutes for Top 5 positions, and max. 5 minutes for all other candidates) and a Q&A session (max. 30 minutes for Top 5 positions, and max. 15 minutes for all other candidates).

10. Before the start of the Cooling Off Day, halt all election campaigns and remove all publicity materials (physical and online) related to their campaign. Candidates who do not comply will be disqualified.

11. After Voting Day, the results of the elections will be made known to the student body, and you will be informed if you have been voted into office.


Aside from being a current, full-time undergraduate pursuing a course of study in SPMS, the prospective candidates:

  1. Must not have been found guilty of a disciplinary offence under the provisions of University Statute 6 on Student Discipline;
  2. Must not currently be under investigation by the Board of Discipline;
  3. Must not be on Leave-of-Absence (LOA); and
  4. Must not have been placed on academic warning or academic probation in the year of the election.

Additionally, prospective candidates who are elected as members of the Management Committee of the Students’ Union (NTUSU), Cultural Activities Club (CAC), Sports Club (SC), and Welfare Services Club (WSC) may only serve in one Management Committee. They are not permitted to serve concurrently in the Management Committee of any other student organisation.