Top 5


The top 5 are responsible for setting the overall direction and goals of the club whilst running the day-to-day operations. This includes organizing events, managing the club’s finances, collaborating with external schools and organizations, and  most importantly representing the SPMS student population to improve student life.

Kerwin Soh


Physics and Applied Physics, Year 3

Greetings and salutations, my name is Kerwin and most people would know me . So let me share a little more information about myself!

During my spare time, besides studying and handling the club’s administrative affairs, I do like to binge watch

Something interesting is that my go to bubble tea order would be earl grey tea, 0% sugar, less ice, no toppings. To which I often get a response saying I am just drinking atas teh o kosong peng. Additionally, I love to consume and spill tea!

Lastly, I really am just an ordinary year 3 spms undergraduate with a few additional roles and responsibilities. So don’t hesitate to drop me an email at for ANY queries or feedback. I wouldl be more than happy to help forward it to the relevant parties.


Gabriel Michael Djapri

Vice President (Internal)

Physic and Applied Physics, Year 3

Harlo, I am Gabriel, Vice President Internal Relations of the 18th SPMS Club and I identify as a clown 🤡. Kidding hehehehe.

As the Vice President Internal Relations, I am in charge of all the different directors and subject representatives. I turned down being in charge of 1 person in case we wouldn’t work well together and now I’m in charge of 12 people.

I’m a fast replier of messages so if you have any questions or anything you want to tell me just drop me a message.

Gan Jun Ken

Vice President (External)

Physics and Applied Physics, Year 3

Hi, I am Jun Ken but most people just call me JK. People say I am too scary and serious but I am just JK.

I manage the special projects and external programmes within SPMS Club. These include the House committee, the Freshmen Orientation Programme and any other ad hoc events during the year.

Donovan Lim

Honorary General Secretary  

Mathematical Sciences and Economics, Year 3

Hello, I am Donovan, the Honorary General Secretary for SPMS Club. Some call me Don but you can call me Don-gen.

My hobbies include doing type racing in my free time. My highest word per minute is 100. Feel free to challenge me anytime.

Zhou Qinghe

Financial Controller 

Mathematical Sciences and Economics, Year 3

Hello! I’m Qinghe, the Financial Controller & most people can’t pronounce my name correctly but please don’t call me sugar mummy 🙈

As a Financial Controller, I prepare and submit the provisional budget of the club & all claims to the University’s Office of Finance for approval.