The main page of the application where most of the functions are available. The GridMap will be used to display
the status of the robot and the maze while other buttons will be used to assist in the exploration. By default,
it will have three tabs available, communication tab, map tab, and control tab. Each of which have its own function and use.
Here are the list of functions in MainActivity:
- Update Map manually during Manual Mode
- Display the status, coordinates and the direction of the robot
- Update map visual dynamically during auto mode
- Send message saved in SharedPreferences using the button F1&F2
- Reconfigure button to modify the saved value in F1&F2
- Print the MDF string generated by the map
The page where we connect our Android Device to Raspberry Pi to communicate with each other. List of Functions in the BluetoothActivity:
- On/Off Bluetooth
- Search for devices and paired devices
- Connect to the device specified
The page where we could send and see received messages from Raspberry Pi.
List of Functions in the CommsFragment:
- Display sent and received message
- Type messages to send to the connected device
A tab page where we could modify/alter the map status, while setting up robot within the map.
List of Functions in the MapTabFragment:
- Reset Everything on the GridMap
- Manuallly change selected cell to “Visited” or “Obstacle” or “Unexplored” on the GridMap
- Select the starting point of the robot and waypoint on the GridMap
- Send “Update” request to rpi for Map data in manual mode.
- Switch between Auto Mode or Manual Mode.
A tab page where we could control the movement of the robot, either manually using the pad, or automatic by commands.
List of ControlFragment Functions:
- Control the robot movement manually by using pad
- Control the robot movement manually using tilt sensor function
- Explore button for automatic exploration
- Fastest button for fastest path command
- Display Exploration and Fastest path timer
- Start, Stop and rest exploration timer
- Calibration button for robot calibration purposes
The page where we could check either the explored status or obstacles status of the maze with a bigger and
clearer view compared to the one in the MainActivity.
List of Functions in the MapInformation:
- Display area that were explored or have obstacles on the GridMap