Miss Ng Zi Xuan will represent Singapore at the WorldSkills Kazan 2019.
Ms Ng won her Gold medal in the subject area of Chemical Laboratory Technology, a newly-introduced subject in WSS 2018. The competition was held at Temasek Polytechnic from 15th to 18th January 2019. As one of the championship winners, Ms Ng will go on to represent Singapore at the International WorldSkills Competition in Kazan, Russia, in August 2019.
In a personal congratulatory message from the Chair of the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at NTU, Professor Tan Choon Hong said, “All credit goes to Zi Xuan for her hard work. She made us proud!”

Miss Ng Zi Xuan (third from right) with other students from WorldSkills (WSS) held at Temasek Polytechnic in January 2019.