NTU SBS Assistant Professor Miao Yansong, one of the first of nine life scientists to join the inaugural Global Investigator Programme at the European Molecular Biology Organisation

by | Dec 3, 2019 | Biology, People, School of Biological Sciences

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Miao Yansong for being one of the first of nine life scientists to join the inaugural Global Investigator Programme at the European Molecular Biology Organisation!

The Global Investigator Programme supports life scientists who have, within the last six years, started their own laboratory in an EMBC Associate Member State (currently India and Singapore) or in a country or territory covered by a cooperation agreement with EMBC (currently Chile and Taiwan). The nine Global Investigators selected this year are distributed across all four of these countries or territories.

The emphasis of the programme is on creating a local network of young group leaders and strengthening cross-continental connections with scientists in Europe, in particular the EMBO Young Investigators and Installation Grantees. To this end, the Global Investigators will be invited to attend the biennial Global Investigator Meeting, together with other members of the EMBO community.

Read the full press release at https://www.embo.org/news/press-releases/2019/embo-welcomes-first-global-investigators