Why Science@NTU? – Meet Carmen Tong!

by | May 2, 2023 | Biology, School of Biological Sciences

Still pondering if you should accept that programme offer from NTU College of Science? We meet a few CoS students who share their exciting and fulfilling experience studying Science@NTU! Next up, we have Carmen Tong from the School of Biological Sciences, who’s also an NTU Science Scholar!

What drew you to pursue a science degree and why Biological Sciences specifically?

As an inquisitive individual, I have always been fascinated by scientific discoveries and advancements. In secondary school, I looked forward to science lessons, especially practical sessions, when we got to engage in hands-on experiments. Thus, during my O-levels, I chose to take triple sciences. Throughout secondary school, I then realized Biology was what stood out most to me. Biology is an incredible subject, it is the study of life itself, encompassing everything from the smallest, most basic cellular processes to the complex interactions between organisms and their environment. We also gain insight into the diversity of life on our beautiful planet, and how it has evolved and adapted over millions of years. New discoveries are constantly being made and thus, I definitely want to contribute to them in the future. Hence, my reason for choosing Biological Sciences specifically.

What made you choose NTU College of Science?

At first, I was considering NTU Biological Sciences and NUS Life Sciences. NTU Biological Sciences is a program that emphasizes a broad-based education in biology, with a focus on fundamental biological principles and the application of these principles to real-world problems. The program covers a range of topics, including genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, and evolution, and students have the opportunity to specialize in areas such as biomedical sciences, environmental biology, or molecular and cellular biology. The program also includes laboratory and research components, giving students hands-on experience in scientific inquiry and experimentation. However, NUS life sciences is somewhat similar but focuses more on the study of living organisms. For me, I felt NTU was more inclined to more career goals and interests, as I wanted to apply many of the Biological Techniques learned in real-world contexts. Also, I felt NTU College of Science offered many opportunities and collaborations with partner universities as well.

What have you enjoyed most so far in the Biological Sciences program?

So far, I must say, I very much enjoy the practical lab sessions. In semester 2 of Year 1, we all have to take Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques 1, which aims to develop our analytic and application skills in molecular and cell biology techniques. This includes techniques in protein and DNA analysis, microscope, molecular cloning, and cell culture. This laboratory-based course will develop your curiosity about biological processes. Even though lab sessions can be long, being able to perform the experiments with my partner and coursemates make it 10 times more fun! I still remember in one of the sessions, I got to experience using a fluorescence microscope for the first time! I was so excited and being able to see the discrete structures and examine chromosomes was such an unforgettable experience!

Which of your experiences has had the greatest impact on you?

As of now, I am currently in year 1, so my experiences might be limited. However, I feel that the courses we have to take in our first year have been academically rigorous and challenging, especially since I am taking a double major program. I would say my experience working on group projects, for example in Introduction to Computational Thinking, has had the greatest impact on me. First, having to apply a new skill to real-world data can be difficult but intellectually stimulating, and working together with my peers helps forge stronger bonds and makes University life more enriching!

What are your plans after graduation?

As I am currently in the NTU-DukeNUS pathway, after graduation I plan to enter Duke-NUS medical school and hopefully graduate with a Doctor of Medicine degree. As I observed how Biology can have many applications in the field of Medicine, I realised that I could make a difference in people’s lives while doing what I am passionate about. I also hope to further research in neuroscience and discover novel solutions to current mental health issues.

Why should students choose NTU College of Science (CoS) and what advice do you have for those considering joining the College?

First, NTU College of Science has a strong reputation for academic excellence and the faculty includes internationally renowned researchers and scholars. CoS also has state-of-the-art research facilities and offers numerous opportunities for undergraduate research, including summer research programs and research-based courses. With a strong focus on interdisciplinary research and teaching, with opportunities to collaborate with students and faculty from other departments, students get to venture out of their comfort zones. Finally, CoS has a strong international focus, with partnerships and collaborations with universities and research institutions around the world. Students have opportunities to study abroad and participate in international research projects. For those considering CoS, take the time now to research the programs and courses offered by CoS to ensure that they align with your academic and career goals. Don’t be afraid to reach out to faculty and current students to get a sense of the academic and research opportunities available at CoS, this can also help you get a better understanding of the culture and community at the College. Overall, in my honest opinion, CoS can provide you with a fantastic academic and research experience, as well as prepare you for a successful career in science and related fields.

What’s the best part about the NTU Science Scholarship?

The best part of the NTU Science Scholarship is that there is full coverage of subsidized tuition fees after the tuition grant and this allows me to continue pursuing my degree without burdening my family. The $3,000 Explorer grant will give me the opportunity to travel and deepen my knowledge and understanding by learning from other perspectives around the world.