Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 6): Joanne at the Peace Summit

Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 6): Joanne at the Peace Summit

Yeo Kai Qing Joanne from NTU Asian School of the Environment represented Singapore at the 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders. Held at the United Nations Conference Centre Bangkok, Thailand, the conference gathered 500 young leaders from different parts of the world and gave them an understanding and broader perspective of peace. Joanne generously shares with us her takeaways from the summit.

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Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 5): Vanessa in Kyoto, Japan

Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 5): Vanessa in Kyoto, Japan

NTU School of Biological Sciences student Vanessa Koh took part in the Amgen Scholars Programme in 2019. The programme is specially designed by Harvard University and the Amgen Foundation to promote research to its scholars, and is heavily focused on lab attachments and industrial visits, and gives scholars the opportunity to be immersed in cultural experiences. Vanessa shares with us her meaningful experience in Kyoto University!

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Making a Mark for Women in Science (Part 3): Paleotempestologist Yap Wenshu

Making a Mark for Women in Science (Part 3): Paleotempestologist Yap Wenshu

Making a mark for women in science – Meet NTU Asian School of the Environment PhD student Yap Wenshu, who is a recipient of the 2020 Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (WiEST) Conference Grant. The paleotempestologist shares with us about how she found herself in earth sciences, and her research. What does a paleotempestologist study, you might ask? Read on to find out!

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Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 4): Student Leader Ying Xuan

Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 4): Student Leader Ying Xuan

Meet Chua Ying Xuan, NTU Asian School of the Environment undergrad who represented Singapore at the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) Fall 2019. The programme, sponsored by the US embassy, consists of a five-week academic residency hosted by the East West Center to learn about the Hawaii, California and federal government’s policies and approaches towards environmental management.

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Making a Mark for Women in Science (Part 1): Structural Biologist Chinmayi Prasanna

Making a Mark for Women in Science (Part 1): Structural Biologist Chinmayi Prasanna

Making a mark for Women in Science: In the spirit of International Women’s Day held recently in March, we meet some of the recipients of the 2020 Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (WiEST) Conference Grant. First up is NTU School of Biological Sciences PhD student Chinmayi Prasanna. She shares with us how she got to where she is now, and her views on women in science.

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Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 2): Jing Xuan in Japan!

Expanding Horizons Beyond the Red Dot (Part 2): Jing Xuan in Japan!

Jing Xuan took part in the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) programme in 2019. In this year’s trip, besides top science & technology organisations, students had the opportunity to visit Minamisanriku, a town that was one of the worst hit during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Jing Xuan shares with us her takeaways from her meaningful experience in Japan!

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