Every year in CoS, dozens of PhD students defend their thesis and earn their doctorate, the highest university degree. In this series, we catch up with some new doctors to find out about their experience of doing a PhD in CoS, what made them embark on the intense four year journey and what plans they have for the future. Meet Dr Gan Weiliang, a research fellow from SPMS.
Is this stool taken? – On Dung Beetle-Megafauna Trophic Networks
Ong Xin Rui has just started her PhD on dung beetles and their feeding networks working in the Tropical Ecology & Entomology Lab at ASE with Assistant Professor Eleanor Slade. In the last month, she has been awarded the Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship, and kicked off her PhD with a publication. Congratulations!
They PhDid It! (Part 4): Dr Pansino and Dike Propagation in Volcanoes
Every year in CoS, dozens of PhD students defend their thesis and earn their doctorate, the highest university degree. In this series, we catch up with some new doctors to find out about their experience of doing a PhD in CoS, what made them embark on the intense four year journey and what plans they have for the future. Next up, we have Dr Stephen Pansino, a Research Fellow with the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS).
Congratulations to CoS PhD Students on Placing in the Top 3 of the 2020 Three Minute Thesis NTU Finale!
Eleven schools in NTU participated in the 2020 Three Minute Thesis NTU Finale, which was held in mid-August largely as a virtual competition due to COVID-19. The Three Minute Thesis challenges research students to effectively explain the significance of their projects to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes.
They PhDid It! (Part 3): Dr Tan & Cancer Research
Every year in CoS, dozens of PhD students defend their thesis and earn their doctorate, the highest university degree. In this series, we catch up with some new doctors to find out about their experience of doing a PhD in CoS, what made them embark on the intense four year journey and what plans they have for the future. Next up, we have Dr Tan Hui Foon, a Research Fellow in SBS.
They PhDid It! (Part 2): Dr Phan and SERS
Every year in CoS, dozens of PhD students defend their thesis and earn their doctorate, the highest university degree. In this series, we catch up with some new doctors to find out about their experience of doing a PhD in CoS, what made them embark on the intense four year journey and what plans they have for the future. Next up, we have Dr Phan Quang Gia Chuong, a Research Fellow in SPMS.
Public Service Medal winner Dr Shawn Lum’s views on water & nature issues
Dr Shawn Lum, a senior lecturer at the Asian School of the Environment and President of the Nature Society Singapore, has recently been awarded the Public Service and Long Service Medals. Previously a member of the Public Utilities Board (PUB)’s Water Network Panel for over ten years, his expertise has helped shape the various programs and initiatives spearheaded by the PUB. Science@NTU caught up with Dr Lum to find out more about his time on the panel, and also his views on water and nature issues.