Scientists from NTU have recently discovered that Earth’s rising temperatures – due to global warming – are having a greater influence on atmospheric methane levels. Rising global temperatures are causing methane levels to increase, which in turn is leading to further climate warming.
Ozone Formation vs. Suppression – The Present and Future
While the ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful UV rays, excess amounts of ozone can result in adverse health effects in humans. A study led by @NTU_ASE A/P Steve Yim analyzes the ozone-temperature relationship and projects future ozone concentrations.
Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction: A probabilistic modelling framework
Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction: A probabilistic modelling framework Over the last few months, reports of terrible floods in Peninsular Malaysia have been commonplace in the news. From the devastating ones in December 2021 that affected more than...
Lung cancer related to air pollution or smoking?
Air pollution and tobacco smoking: How do they correlate with lung cancer? NTU Professor Joseph Sung and Associate Professor Steve Yim explain it all.
CoS E-Career Talk on 29 Jan 2022
On 29 January, NTU College of Science (CoS) invited prospective students to tune into an online Career Talk via livestream and to bring with them their burning questions on university life in NTU, an academic path in Science, and what career prospects they could have...
Rising up to the (CoS) Challenge!
The inaugural CoS Challenge was held in January 2022, receiving a warm reception from the CoS community. Leading up to the competition, CoS staff, faculty and alumni came together in late 2021 to contribute to the pool of questions known as the “Knowledge Bank”....
Caring Through Science Education – The CoS Community Project 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, but lower income households bore the brunt of the impact. According to The Straits Times, more than half of households earning less than $1,000 reported disruptions to their income during the circuit breaker in mid-2020. It...
Black soldier flies – Possible solution to sustainable food production?
A strong inter-disciplinary team of researchers from NUS and NTU seeks to develop a blueprint for an urban system like Singapore to integrate food waste management and sustainable food production via black soldier flies (BSF), with their relevant expertise in insect rearing, urban design, sustainability as well as food safety and nutrition.
Nanyang Awards 2021
We would like to express our heartfelt congratulations to all of the Nanyang Awards 2021. Well done and keep up the good work!
First-ever NTU BioBlitz led to ASE students winning the Mr & Mrs Kwok Chin Yan Award for Student Initiative 2021
Last year (AY20/21), current year 4 EESS Ecology students Alexis Goh and Tay Li Si led Earthlink NTU’s Nature Guiding committee as the Co-Directors. They planned and executed several events to engage the NTU community to discover our...