Revealing the Hidden Science of Seed Development

Seed development is one of nature’s most remarkable processes, ensuring the continuation of plant life and securing global food production. However, for seeds to grow properly, they need a constant supply of nutrients, which are transported through a specialised...

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A new algorithm for DNA sequence alignment

A new algorithm for DNA sequence alignment

  A team of scientists from the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) and NTU School of Biological Sciences (SBS), has developed a new DNA sequence alignment algorithm that is faster and more accurate than existing methods....

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Future Playbook for Fighting Multiple Myeloma

Future Playbook for Fighting Multiple Myeloma

Researchers from the NTU School of Biological Sciences (SBS) have demonstrated for the first time in multiple myeloma that a protein, p52, produced from the hyperactivation of a genetic signalling pathway known as NF-κB, reprogrammes DNA regions to express genes that...

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A New Discovery In The Fight Against Breast Cancer

A New Discovery In The Fight Against Breast Cancer

  Scientists from the NTU School of Biological Sciences (SBS) have discovered how a protein, Fn14, is behind the aggressive nature of triple negative breast cancer, and how understanding the genetic signalling pathways of this protein can open potential areas for...

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New MOU with BUCM

New MOU with BUCM

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has deepened its collaboration with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM) with a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed on 31 July 2024.   Key initiatives under the MOU include: 1) Faculty Exchange: Both...

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