The College recently celebrated its College of Science (CoS) Day 2025 on 21 January. An annual tradition that started more than a decade ago, CoS Day brings together students from the College’s four Schools: Asian School of the Environment (ASE), School of Biological...
SPMS Delegates at 2024 University Scholars Leadership Symposium
Nine SPMS students participates in the 2024 University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) in Bangkok.
College of Science Innovation Day 2024
The College of Science’s inaugural CoS Innovation Day was held on 23 October. The event showcased the myriads of scientific research and innovations from the College’s four Schools: Asian School of the Environment (ASE), School of Biological Sciences (SBS), School of...
Project Sci-nergise: Campus Science Trail
Project Sci-nergise, once known as the College of Science Community Project, organised their first community service project, the Campus Science Trail (CST) in June. Held over the course of two days, 10th and 11th June, and taking place on NTU’s campus, the CST...
NTU Students Achieve Grand First Prize and Other Wins at 30th IMC
NTU undergraduates have achieved their best ever performance at the International Mathematics Competition (IMC), an annual mathematics competition for university students.
College of Science’s Jakarta Outreach Event
In September, the College of Science - assisted by a group of our Indonesian student ambassadors, Indonesian alumni, and with several of our faculty members - travelled to Jakarta to meet and greet students from more than 15 schools in the region. Over 250 attendees,...
NTU Physics Challenge Draws over 180 Junior College Participants
The NTU Physics Challenge brought together 184 students from Singaporean junior colleges to take part in a challenging physics quiz, and advanced lectures by NTU physics faculty.
SPMS hosts inaugural Nanyang Physics Summer School
The School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS) hosted the inaugural Nanyang Physics Summer School in June 2023. The three-day learning experience was attended by 30 students from 11 junior colleges across Singapore.
Take on the CoS Challenge!
While the UK has University Challenge, a quiz show involving competing university students, the College of Science has it very own CoS Challenge. Modelled after the University Challenge and held over the course of a couple of weeks in February, the 2023 edition of the...
College of Science Day 2023
The annual College of Science (CoS) Day was first introduced back in 2013 and has been a much-anticipated event in the College’s calendar each year. Jointly organised by the student clubs from the 4 Schools, the event was finally held on 13 February after a 2-year...