Congrats to my URECA Students – Juline Lew and Vetra Leow for wining top poster awards at 2019 URECA !
The Undergraduate Research Experience on CAmpus (URECA), is a university-wide programme to cultivate a research culture among the outstanding undergraduates. Though young by international standards, it is a unique opportunity for NTU undergraduates to experience research first-hand the mentorship of faculty and immerse themselves in a vibrant research culture touch for a 11-month period (August to June).
Vetra Leow, Year 3, Overall winner for the ‘Social Sciences’ category. Poster title: “Driving with(out) the Brain?” This study examines the role of mental shortcuts, media attention, and knowledge about driverless cars on willingness to use driverless cars.
Juline Lew, Year 3, Overall winner for the ‘Arts and Humanities’ category.
Poster title: “Perceiving Makes Reality – Cross-Country Analysis Comparing Factors Influencing Risk Perception of Nuclear Energy”. The study uses the Cognitive Miser Model as an overarching framework, and compares the factors influencing the risk perception of nuclear energy in Indonesia and Singapore.