My Star Research Team

research staff & graduate students

Dr. Agnes Chuah, PhD, Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Agnes Chuah Soo Fei is a Senior Research Fellow at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She attained her PhD. in Communication Studies from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore; MSc. In Managerial Communication and B.A (Honours) in Communication from University Utara Malaysia in Malaysia. Her primary research area focuses on public opinion of science and technology, such as nanotechnology and nuclear energy. Her research interest also includes science communication, health communication, environmental communication, and fake news. Her work has been published in Journal of Communication, Energy Policy, Energy Research & Social Sciences, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Science Technology & Human Values, and Mass Communication and Society. Dr Chuah is currently working for Public Opinion of Nuclear Energy and other EneRgy Sources (PiONEERS) project funded by Singapore National Research Foundation.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers & Book Chapters

  1. Ho, S. S., & Chuah, A. S. F. (in press, 2021). Why support nuclear energy? The roles of citizen knowledge, trust, media use, and perceptions across five Southeast Asian countries. Energy Research & Social Science, 79,
  2. Ho, S. S., Xiong, R., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2021). Heuristic cues as perceptual filters: Factors influencing public support for nuclear research reactor in Singapore. Energy Policy, 150, 112111.
  3. Ho, S. S., Goh, T. J., Chuah, A. S. F., Leung, Y. W., Bekalu, M. A., & Viswanath, K. (2020). Past debates, fresh impact on nano-enabled food: A multigroup comparison of presumed media influence model based on spillover effects of attitude toward genetically modified food. Journal of Communication, 70(4), 598-621.
  4. Ho, S. S., Oshita, T., Looi, J., Leong, A. D., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2019). Exploring public perceptions of benefits and risks, trust, and acceptance of nuclear energy in Thailand and Vietnam: A qualitative approach. Energy Policy, 127, 259-268.
  5. Ho, S. S., Leong, A. D., Looi, J., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2019). Online, offline, or word-of-mouth? Complementary media usage patterns and credibility perceptions of nuclear energy information in Southeast Asia. Energy Research & Social Science, 48, 46-56.
  6. Chuah, A. S. F., Leong, A. D., Cummings, C., & Ho, S. S. (2018). Label it or ban It? Public perceptions of nano-food labels and propositions for banning nano-food applications. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 20, 36.
  7. Cummings, C., Chuah, A. S. F., & Ho, S. S. (2018). Protection motivation and communication through nano-food labels: Improving predictive capabilities of attitudes and purchase intentions toward nano-foods. Science, Technology, and Human Values, 1-29.
  8. Ho, S. S., Looi, J., Chuah, A. S. F., Leong, A. D., & Pang, N. (2018). “I can live with nuclear energy if…” Exploring public perceptions of nuclear energy in Singapore. Energy Policy, 120, 436–447. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.060
  9. Yang, X., Chuah, A. S., Lee, E. W., & Ho, S. S. (2017). Extending the cognitive mediation model: Examining factors associated with perceived familiarity and factual knowledge of nanotechnology. Mass Communication and Society, 1-24.
  10. Ho, S. S., & Chuah, A. S. F. (2017). Climate change communication in Singapore. In M. C. Nisbet (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication. Oxford University Press.

Tong Jee Goh, Research Fellow

Tong Jee Goh (Ph.D. in Communication Studies, NTU) is a Research Fellow at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information in Nanyang Technological University. Her research focuses on misinformation, science communication, and media effects. She received her Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) and Master of Arts in Communications and New Media from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2010 and 2013 respectively. She also has a postgraduate diploma in education from the National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Tong Jee has extensive experience in teaching. She was an award-winning teaching scholar at NUS during her Masters candidature. She spent 4 years as an English Language teacher with the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Tong Jee was also a lecturer and an assessment writer for communications and sociology courses at the Singapore University of Social Sciences from 2017 to 2019.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Ho, S. S., Goh, T. J., Leung, Y. W. (2020). Let’s nab fake science news: Predicting scientists’ support for interventions using the influence of presumed media influence model. Journalism.
  2. Ho, S. S., Goh, T. J., Chuah, A. S. F., Leung, Y. W., Belaku, M. A., & Viswanath, K. (2020). Past debates, fresh impact on nano-enabled food: A multi-group comparison of presumed media influence model based on spillover effects of attitude toward genetically-modified food. Journal of Communication, jqaa019.
  3. Ho, S. S., Looi, J. M., & Goh, T. J. (2020). Scientists as public communicators: Individual- and institutional-level motivations and barriers for public communication in Singapore. Asian Journal of Communication, 30(2), 155-178.
  4. Ho, S. S., Looi, J. M., Leung, Y. W., & Goh, T. J. (2019). Public engagement by researchers of different disciplines in Singapore: A qualitative comparison of macro- and meso-level concerns. Public Understanding of Science, 29(2), 211-229.


Junru Huang, Research Fellow

Junru Huang is a research fellow at CNRS@CREATE (Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise), under the supervision of Prof. Shirley S. Ho.  She attained her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, her M.A. in Visual Communication from Ohio University in U.S., and her B.A. in Journalism from Renmin University of China. Before pursuing her Ph.D., Junru worked in the media industry for five years in both the U.S. and China, holding various roles such as journalist, photographer, editor, and producer with organizations like The Beijing News, The Hutchinson News, Chicago Tribune,, and

Junru’s research primarily centers around media psychology, with a focus on human-machine communication. She is interested in understanding how technology, notably interactive media, shapes human perceptions and behaviors. Her methodological approaches encompass both quantitative and qualitative methods in social sciences, with extensive experience conducting experiments, surveys, and interviews. Currently, she is working on a project investigating public perception of AI.

Selected Publications

  • Huang, J., & Jung, Y. (2022). Perceived authenticity of virtual characters makes the difference. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3,
  • Kang, H., Shin, W., & Huang, J. (2022). Teens’ privacy management on video-sharing social media: the roles of perceived privacy risk and parental mediation. Internet Research, 32, 312-334.
  • Huang, J., & Jung, Y. (2023). Understanding individuals’ experience with virtual characters from the perspective of perceived authenticity. Paper presented at the 73rd International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 2023.
  • Huang, J., & Li, Y. (2023). Making sense of virtuality and authenticity: How Otome game players understand their experience with virtual characters. Paper presented at the 73rd International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 2023.

Mengxue Ou, Ph.D. Candidate

Mengxue Ou is a Ph.D. candidate in the Wee Kim Wee of communication and information at Nanyang Technological University. She received her M.A. in Communication from the WKWSCI at NTU, and her B.A. in journalism from the school of communication and design at Sun Yet-sen University in China. Her research interests lie in health communication, public opinion, media effects as well as applying the quantitative and qualitative research methods to do research.
During her undergraduate study, she won the second and third class scholarships respectively in the first and second year. During her third year, she worked as an intern in the New York Times Beijing bureau and the Beijing News and published stories in both Chinese and English. In her senior year, she won a scholarship to exchange at the University of Strasbourg in France. Her final year project was awarded the Sun Yat-sen university excellent graduation thesis scholarship. When she is available, she enjoys jogging, traveling and watching movies.

Conference Presentations

  1. Ou, M. & Ho, S.S. (2021, May). A Meta-Analysis of Factors Predicting Health Information Seeking. Paper presented at 71st International Communication Association Conference (Information System Division), Online.
  2. Ou, M. (2020, August). Risk and Efficacy Uncertainty as Motivators of Information Seeking and Protective Behaviors When Facing COVID-19. Paper presented at the 103rd Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference (Division of Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk), Online.
  3. Ou, M. (2020, July). Why Do Adults Engage in Cybersexual Harassments? Evaluating the Effects of Social Learning and Cyber Anonymity. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (Gender and Communication Section), Online.
  4. Ho, S.S., Ou, M., Chuah, S.F. (2021, May). Seek to Verify? Examining People’s Intention to Seek Information to Verify Fake News on COVID-19 Using PRISM. Paper presented at 71st International Communication Association Conference (Health Communication Division), Online.
  5. Tandoc, E., Dai, R. K., Malik, S., Ong, Z., Ou, M., Yeo, J. Q.,… Zhou, Y. C. (2020, May). Moving Forward or Stepping Back? Understanding How WhatsApp Users Understand the Forwarded Tag. Paper presented at the 70th International Communication Association Conference, Online.

Honors and Awards

2021  Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Research Scholarship

2021  Best paper, Information System Division, 71st ICA Conference

2019  Excellent Graduation Thesis Award (Undergraduate), Sun Yat-sen (Zhong Shan) University

2019  Graduation Scholarship, Sun Yat-sen (Zhong Shan) University

Nova Mengxia Huang, Ph.D. Student

Mengxia Huang is a Ph.D. student in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. She received her Bachelor of Advertising from the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University in 2017 and her Master of Communication with merit from the School of Communication and Film at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2018. Her research interests lie in health communication and aging society, particularly in people’s perception and use of health technology.

Mengxia had rich working experience in education before studying at WKWSCI where she is committed to helping people identify their strengths, find their principles, and achieve their potential. Now she concentrates more on self-exploration and self-challenge. She is curious about how health communication research can help inform public opinions on health policies and technologies, which can contribute to public policy and promote public health. She particularly cares about the elderly cohort and how health technologies, such as wearable health devices, can improve their health and well-being. In her spare time, Mengxia enjoys playing the piano, doing meditation and yoga, and outdoor running.

Honors and Awards

2022 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Research Scholarship

2018 Hong Kong Baptist University Merit-based Student Scholarship

Justin Chun Ting Cheung, Ph.D. Student

Justin Chun Ting Cheung is a PhD student in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information. He has received his Master of Journalism from the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at The University of Hong Kong, Master of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology both from the Department of Psychology at The Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the Wee Kim Wee School, Justin was a research assistant at the Sau Po Centre on Ageing at The University of Hong Kong.

Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Cheung, J. C. T., Sun, Q., Wan, N. T., Wong, S. Y., Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Intergenerational mentorship on character traits among disadvantaged primary school students: A controlled pretest–posttest study. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(7), 716–727. doi:10.1177/10497315211035108
  2. Sun, Q., Cheung, J. C. T., Wan, A, Wong, S. Y., Lou, W. Q. (2021). Age simulation program promoting positive attitudes toward older people in Hong Kong: Further evidence of integration of natural social network effects. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:10.1177/10497315211063626
  3. Chen, K., Cheung, J. C. T., Wang, J., Lou, W. (2020) Older people as peer researchers in ageing research: Nuisance or necessity? In M. Łuszczyńska (Ed.), Researching Ageing Methodological Challenges and their Empirical Background. London: Routledge.

Awards and Honours

  1. 2022 Outstanding paper (2nd place), The 7th Peking University Doctoral Forum on Aging and Health.
  2. 2020 Stone Soup Award (runner-up), Sócia-gerente da Stone Soup Consulting.

Chang He, Ph.D. Student

Chang He is a Ph.D. student in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. She received her M.A. in journalism from the School of Journalism at Fudan University in China. She previously worked as a research assistant at the Research Center for Data Governance at Tsinghua University. During her master’s studies, she won a scholarship to study as an exchange student at LMU Munich in Germany. She also worked as an intern news editor at the Xinhua News Agency Shanghai bureau. For three consecutive years, she received the first-class scholarship and was recognized as an outstanding graduate of Fudan University.

Her research interests lie in social media and public opinion. Currently, she is deeply involved in the Climate Transformation Programme (CTP) project, employing various research methods to explore the Sustainable Societies (SS) topic. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, swimming, and running.

Honors and Awards

2020-2023   First-Class Scholarship of Fudan University
2021   Best Paper Award at the 12th Graduate Seminar of China Journalism and Communication Academic Union

2023   Outstanding Graduate of Fudan University

Stanley Wijaya, Research Associate

Stanley is a Research Associate in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) and Master of Arts in Communications and New Media from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2020 and 2022 respectively. His primary research interest focuses on transcultural media products and their intersections with fandom and fan culture. In his free time, Stanley enjoys playing games, of both the video and board game variety, and enjoys writing as well.

Fiona Goh, Research Assistant

Fiona is a Research Assistant in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She received her Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (Highest Distinction) in Psychology from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2023. As an individual who is passionate about bettering the lives of others, her research interest lies in abnormal as well as health psychology.

During her undergraduate studies, Fiona was placed on the Dean’s List in her second academic year. She also received the NASA Exchange Scholarship, granted based on academic merit to undergraduates who participate in the Student Exchange Programme (SEP).

Currently, she is working for project Shaping Public Adaptive Capacity for Environmental Infectious Diseases (SPACE) funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation.

During her free time, Fiona enjoys café hopping and photography.

Anjali Venketram, Research Assistant

Anjali is a Research Assistant at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). She received her Bachelor of Arts with Distinction (Highest Honors) in Environmental Studies from Yale-NUS College, Singapore in 2024. With past experiences in research and non-profit organizations, Anjali is passionate about work that has a social impact – specifically for environmental and climate change-related issues. Her research interests include factors that affect environmental consciousness, climate justice, and methods of motivating  climate action within societies. Currently, she is assisting with the Climate Transformation Programme (CTP) investigating sustainable societies. Outside of work, Anjali enjoys singing and reading thrillers.


  • Tong Jee Goh, PhD, Graduated 2023 (first job placement: Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University)
  • Andrew Yee Zi Han, PhD, Graduated 2019 (first job placement: Faculty Fellow, Singapore University of Science and Technology)
  • Edmund Lee, PhD, Graduated 2018 (first job placement: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, U.S.A.; current job: Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University)
  • Agnes Chuah, PhD, Graduated 2018 (first job placement: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University; current job placement: Senior Research Fellow, NTU)
  • Liang Chen, PhD, Graduated 2017 (first job placement: Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; current job: Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
  • Xiaodong Yang, PhD, Graduated 2017 (first job placement: Associate Professor, Shandong University, China)
  • Priyanka Dasgupta, PhD, Graduated 2017 (first job placement: Assistant Professor, Amity University, Dubai)


  • Shengjun Lin, Master’s by Research, Graduating in 2024
  • Xinyi Liu, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2024
  • Wenqi Tan, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2023
  • Ou Mengxue, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2021
  • Loo Jiemin, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2019
  • Leong Alisius Xue Li Deon, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2019
  • Kathryn Shannon Sim Yen Ping @ Sarah Abdullah Sim,
    Master’s in Mass Communication (with thesis), Graduated 2016
  • Liao Youqing, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2014
  • Peh Xiang Hong,Master’s by Research, Graduated 2013
  • Edmund Lee Wei Jian, Master’s by Research, Graduated 2013